2021-22 Wellington Student Board announced

June 1, 2021

Wellington Speech & Debate is returning to a (hopefully somewhat) more stable world in 2021-22. Barring any weird issues over the summer, we will be in person in the classroom this August. However, at this point, it looks like most (maybe all) national circuit tournaments will be virtual the first semester.

There’s still a lot of unknowns, and we should hopefully have a better idea by mid-July. However, one thing I do know is that we will need a lot of help from the entire varsity program in working with next year’s novices.

Meanwhile, here are the 2021-22  Wellington Speech & Debate student officers. All should be enrolled in the honors debate program next fall, which makes me very happy. Congratulations!

Presidents: Carolina Aguilera-Garza, Samuel Johnson, and Jaiden Lagalo-Blinston
Vice Presidents: Lillian Paulitz and Harrison Winton
Congressional Debate Captain: Sofia Lynch
Debate Events Captains: Rylee Bleakley, Kayla Cho, and Ray Estevez
Interp Events Captain: Emma Stanfield
Speech Events Captain: Isabella Tombari
Historians: Carolina Aguilera-Garza and Isabella Tombari
Fundraising Director: Ian Zambrano
Sunshine/Social Directors: Kayla Cho & Shaida Meier
Service Project Director: Sofia Lynch
Future Debaters Directors: Ray Estevez and Harrison Winton
President Emerita: Leslie Diaz and Matthew McGann