Keys to Success

1 – HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE: All Wellington Speech & Debate team members must maintain a positive, courteous, professional and respectful attitude toward their coach, administrators, parental chaperones, volunteers, and fellow debate team members. This is the most important factor in our success as an organization – not trophies! Your attitude is shown through your behavior at all times. Treat everyone in our program, and other programs, with equal, positive respect, and come to tournaments and debate functions with a positive attitude, ready to take care of business. Every student on this team matters, regardless of the event they choose. WELLINGTON SPEECH & DEBATE IS A “NO HATE SPEECH” ZONE – IF YOU HEAR SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!

2 – BE PREPARED: Never settle for mediocrity. If you are going to do something, you should always do it to the best of your ability. Take the time necessary to learn your scripts or speeches, research your topics, and practice your presentations.

3 – BEING IN THE ARENA IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT: You are going to get knocked down repeatedly in life. You get up. You only matter it you are participating.

4 – DON’T HAVE TUNNEL VISION: Speech and debate shouldn’t consume your lives. You should have the power to explore the world beyond.

5 – BE ACADEMICALLY RESPONSIBLE: THIS IS AN HONORS-LEVEL COURSE. A minimum 2.5 overall GPA (not HPA) is required to participate in any debate tournament for all varsity debaters. Additionally, students must maintain a minimum “B” grade in the debate class for the quarter to compete at overnight tournaments. Get help early in your most difficult subjects; don’t let yourself and your debate team down by not being eligible.

6 – BE FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE: All debate team members are encouraged to fundraise, to help cover our many expenses which are not funded by the district. Students should participate in all fundraisers – your extra work will go toward tournaments, banquet costs, research subscriptions, and script purchases. In addition, you gain a direct financial benefit through our 50/50 credit line, where a portion of your fundraising money is allocated for your debate program use.

7 – BE IN SCHOOL: Your attendance in all classes directly affects your grade point average, as well as your coach’s perception of you as a responsible individual.

8 – SHOW RESPECT FOR SCHOOL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY: We spend 15+ hours a week in the speech and debate room after “regular” school hours. Help make this time more pleasant by taking care of our facilities – cleaning up is everyone’s job. In addition, show respect for your fellow debate members by leaving their personal property alone.

9 – SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER: Just because people are in a position of power doesn’t mean they are inherently right. Know your truth. Own your truth. Speak your truth.