
All team members are expected to recruit judges for tournaments. Judges can be parents, siblings, adult friends of the family, former high school or current college debaters, etc. Our team is required to provide a certain number of judges per tournament in all events in order to be eligible to compete. We ask that each student provide a judge for two tournaments during the year. There will be training seminars provided by Mr. Gaba and the PBCFL. We will train these individuals to judge, and I guarantee they will be impressed with the experience.

In addition, in partnership with the National Federation of State High School Associations, the National Speech and Debate Association has put together an online course designed to help identify the different types of speech and debate events, review basic judging guidelines, and includes example student performances so individuals can practice judging while receiving tips on what to note during an actual round. Here is the link: https://www.speechanddebate.org/judge-training/

Judging 101: A Speech and Debate survival guide for everyone in the virtual world (PowerPoint, Revised October 2020)

October 2020 Judge Workshop (video)

Florida Judge Manual – All Events 2019-20